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Pursuing M.Phil (Management) from MAKAUT, MBA (Human Resource Management & Marketing) & M.Com in Finance (University of Burdwan), B.Com (Hons.) from University of Calcutta and English (Hons.) from NSOU.
Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Organizational Behavior, Accountancy, Costing, Marketing, Sales and Advertisement, Business Ethics.
12 years of experience in Teaching & Administration
Participated in the One Day Workshop on Digital Evaluation System (under MAKAUT) at RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata on 06.12.2019.
Participated in the One day Seminar on Women Empowerment at Globsyn Business School, Kolkata on 29th June 2018.
Participated in the Finance and Economics Conference (FINECON) 2017 at the International Management Institute (IMI), Kolkata on 28th & 29thDecember 2017.
Participated in the International Marketing Conference (MARCON) 2017 at the International Management Institute (IMI), Kolkata on 18th & 19thDecember 2017.
Participated in the two days National Seminar on “Companies Act, 2013 & Goods and Service Tax (GST) and its impact on Society” organized by Jogomaya Devi College and The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) on 13th & 14th June, 2017.
Participated in the International Conference at The Bhawanipur Education Society College, “Emerging issues in Global Economy, Commerce and Management Opportunities and Challenges” on 5th January 2015.
Participated in Inertia (Marketing of Indian Cinema) organized by St. Xavier’s College on 26th & 27th March, 2014.
Participated in the International Seminar on “Entrepreneurship - The Way Forward”, organized by the Jyotirmoy School of Business on 28th November, 2013, at BCCI.
Participated in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Writing as resistance: Bengali & other Dalit writers in English”, organized by Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College on 29th and 30th November, 2011.
Act as a Project Coordinator: Subject Specialization in Human Resource Management, Marketing Management
Conducted several Industrial Visits & Educational Tours at various renowned organizations and industries like Mother Dairy, SAIL, Durgapur Steel Plant, Frito-Lay, PepsiCo & many more.
Conducted EDP & FDP at The Bhawanipur Education Society College.
Previously act as an External Examiner (2 years) at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata (Marketing Management, Principles of Management)
Mentoring & Supervising: Creative writing and other co-curricular activities.
“Designing Architecture for Training Programmes and Evaluating Training effectiveness of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd”  from Indian Oil Co. Pvt. Ltd, Eastern Region Head-Office at Dhakuria Branch-Kolkata, of 3 months duration.
“A Study on Effectiveness of Training Programme in Service Sector – A Conceptual Framework of Oil & Gas Industry” was published in the KINDLER (A Journal of Army Institute of Management, Kolkata), volume: XVIII, No: 122, ISSN: 0973-0486, Issue: January –December 2018, pg: 18-28.
“Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Marketing: A Study of Bankura District” was published in the KINDLER (A Journal of Army Institute of Management, Kolkata), volume: XVIII, No: 122, ISSN: 0973-0486, Issue: January –December 2018, pg: 228-249.
“A Study on Opportunities and Challenges Of Green Banking in Rural India” was published in the book “Emerging Issues in Accounting, Finance and Taxation”, ISBN: 978-81-930092-9-1, Issue: March 2018, by the Research & Publication Cell, Bhawanipur Education Society College, co-authored by Barnasree Chatterjee.
“Prominence of Women Entrepreneurs in rural India” was published in the IMS Management Journal, Volume 10 issue 1, January 2018, ISSN No. (0975-0800).
“Role of Digitalization in Hospitality Industry with special reference to Online Food Delivery Services” was published in the BIMS Journal of Management, volume 3(10), Issue: January-June 2018, ISSN No: 2456-222X, pg-58-67, co-authored by Sukanta Kundu.
“What barriers do women face in becoming high-tech entrepreneurs in rural India” was published in the Technology, Innovation Management (TIM) Review in association Carleton University, Canada, on January 2018,in Volume 8, Issue 1, ISSN: 1927-0321, pp: 33-36, www.doi.org/10.22215/timreview/1132, co-author Dr. R. Basu.
“A Study on Challenges of Developing a Green Growth Strategy” was published in the International Journal of Commerce and Management Research ISSN: 2455-1627, in Volume 3; Issue 9; September 2017; Page No. 05-09, RJIF 5.22.
“Consumer preference towards Online Purchase and Brand Responsiveness of Pepper Tap” was published, ISBN (978-93-86171-40-5) edition July-December 2017, & in the AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research, ISSN (O): (2455-6092), ISSN (P): (2455-1562), RJIF 2.77, in Volume No. 5, July-December 2017.
“Designing Architecture for Training Programmes and Evaluating Training Effectiveness of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.” was published in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), ISSN - (Print): 2519 – 7908 ; ISSN - (Electronic): 2348 – 0343, SJIF 4.335, Index Copernicus(IC)Value 60.59; UGC Journal No. 47192 in Volume 4 No. 3218-232, Issue No. 03, 1stJuly 2017 (339 downloads).
“A Study of BPO Quandary – A Human Resource Approach” was published, ISBN (978-93-86171-51-1) edition July 2017, & also published in the International Journal of Science Technology & Management (IJSTM), ISSN(O): (2394-1537), ISSN(P): (2394-1529), RJIF 2.02, in Volume No. 5, Issue No. 07, July 2017.
“A Study of Employee Provident Fund Refund Scheme of G.I. Security Pvt. Ltd” was published, ISBN (978-93-86171-23-8) edition April 2017, & also published in the International Journal of Science Technology & Management (IJSTM), ISSN(O): (2394-1537), ISSN(P): (2394-1529), RJIF 2.02, in Volume No. 6, Issue No. 04, April2017.
“Competitive Benchmarking of Avon Beauty products with respect to other competitive brands: A total comparative market analysis” was published, ISBN (978-93-85895-57-9) edition January 2017, published by Akinik Publications & also published in the International Journal of Commerce & Management Research (IJCMR), ISSN (2455-1627), RJIF 5.22.
“The Supply-Chain Management in the Indian Coal Industry with special reference to Anand Carbo Pvt. Ltd” published in the book ‘Dynamic Evolution of Management Paradigm’, ISBN (978-93-5265-325-6) edition 2016.
“An Analysis of effective Corporate Governance & Business Ethics in today’s Indian Business Environment”, published in the book ‘Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Indian Business Environment', ISBN (978-81-930092-0-8) edition July 2015.
Member of Anti-Ragging Committee & Student Development Committee at Nopany Institute of Management Studies (under MAKAUT).
Life Member of “Indian Academic Researchers Association” (Membership No: 166/2018).
Editorial Board Member of “AR Research Publication and Conference World”.
Assistant Editor of “International Journal of Commerce & Management Research”.
An in hand industrial exposure, to evaluate & understand the depth of practical implication of the subjects taught.
6 years of experience in Teaching
C, C++, Java, DBMS, Numerical Analysis, Software Engineering,
UNIX,Computer Graphics, Digital Electronic, Automata, Computer Architecture, Data Structures, Asp.net, php, CSS
‘Survey of Care-Givers’ Awareness and Perception of Geriatric Population’-2015 Upadhyay Sudeshna [1], BHMS, MHA, Kundu A [2] : Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences. Vol.4 (3):102-107 (July-September)
B. Tech (Chemical Engineering), Mba (Operations Management)
A Study Of Industrial Pollution In Leather Industry Of Kolkata.
2nd highest marks (Marketing Specialization) in M.B.A Examination.
Financial and cost accounting, financial management,Financial markets, Mergers and acquisitions, and other general management subjects like operations management, principles of management,research methodology
Research interest include Corporate governance, Volatility spillover studies, Fintech and crypto currency
With Ivey Publishing
Beyond Compliance in Cybersecurity: Analyzing Your Threat Scenario and Vulnerabilities Published Date: 31th May, 2024, ISBN: 978-81-972787-9-2
"An Empirical Study of Understanding Consumer Emotions and Its Role in Crafting More Effective Ads" has been published successfully in Volume 3, Issue 6 of the year 2024 in the "International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary"